Australians Josh Harris and Stepen Dinneen and Josh Harris have just run the Fukuoke Marathon in Japan. Harris finished in 19th position, with a time of 2:20:27 and Dinneen finished 32nd with a time of 2:23:39.
“Solid run today in Fukuoka. A few seconds over 2:20 on the watch, because of my shit seeding I started 20sec after the gun and had to go out hard to get on the guys running my pace. My heart rate was over 170 in the first km so I just had to keep it settled around there the whole race. Because of my seeding I didn’t get personal drinks and only had 1 gel for the whole race, because 1 fell out of my pocket! I ran exposed to the wind with guys behind me from 10km onwards but I felt I was in better shape to finish it off than them so this was fine. Think the lack of nutrition started to get me in the last 10km, and at 34km I had some strange feeling in my arms where I felt like I’d torn them both haha I slowed down and eventually that went away. Over the last 5km the hips started to go on me! Ran bloody fast round the track at the end to just miss 2:20! Absolutely cooked now, but reasonably satisfied to put that on the board. A good stepping stone for Rotterdam in April, and a time that ensures I never have seeding issues again! Thanks to Brooks for the support and to everyone for the well wishes! Keen to have some beers and have a well deserved break! P.S went past the WR holder at 5km ;-) will post some pics soon, but for now this is the longest paragraph ever constructed!” Josh Harris
“2.23.39 – not the time I was hoping and found a few little things to work on before I toe the line for my next marathon.
No complaints today – course was good, weather was good, good athletes to run with, preparation was good – I felt good & relaxed until 24-26km…..but it is 42.2km & my legs just didn’t have the required pace much after that.
I got to halfway relaxed, feeling good – just not my day & that’s racing.
It has put a few more logs (on top of a truck load of logs) onto that burning fire inside me to succeed they way I want to.
Positive sign is that my bad days are getting better, it was still 3minutes quicker then my last marathon. Progress is progress!
Also went past the current world record at the 5km mark – he was having a bad day!
Special thanks to my darling wife Mel who has helped make this the best preparation so far.
Always nice to lay down after a long day to see her & Brooklyn smiling.
My family have been great as always – my mum actually funded my flights to get to this race (running doesn’t pay the bills).
Thanks to my training squad boys, @boxhillathleticclub, Liam & Mitchel who keep my honest in training, Steve Moneghetti for his guidance, @brooksrunningau 7 yrs going strong, my therapists (Nigel / Andrew / Heidi /Paul / Liam ), thanks for flying over & being amazing support. And to everyone else for just being a champ in my life.
Tired marathon runner.” Stephen Dinneen