Brittany Burkitt is our 39th Athlete to speak to us about making the 2014 IAAF World Junior Championships Team. Members of the Spark Team will compete in Eugene (USA), from July 22nd to 27th 2014.
How did you get involved in Athletics?
Got involved by my parents who took my down to a little aths meet one day and loved it since
When you first heard that you made the team, what was your initial reaction?
I was about to cry on the phone and I was speaking to who ever called me, I actually can’t remember I was just that happy but didn’t want to sound like a sook so I held it in until I hung up and balled my eyes out! So did mum!
Are you doing anything differently in preparation for this competition?
Nothing is different in my preparation, just had to condense everything shorter as of the time period!
What are you most looking forward to about the trip to Eugene (USA)?
The experience. Getting to the first day of competition and just taking a minute or 2, taking a step back and think how lucky I am to be in this position with a wonderful squad of Australian athletes!
Who has been your biggest inspiration in this sport?
I have never really looked up to a particular athlete in my life. I just haven’t been that athlete who has an idol as such but the person who has had the biggest influence on me would have to be my team mate Monica Brennan. Watching how hard she trains and training with her helping each other it’s incredible! Until you were to actually watch her train no one would understand she is a true inspiration and such a great motivator to have!
What advice would you give to someone who is looking to become a professional Athlete?
Stay patient, good things come in time with hard work.