How did you get involved in Athletics?
I competed at my first school athletics carnival in Year 2 and did well in all the events, so that summer I joined Little Athletics and loved it.
When you first heard that you made the team, what was your initial reaction?
It was relief in a sense due to there being 5 qualified girls in the High Jump, which left the decision to the board’s discretion. Also I was really excited. I received the news when I was in the middle of English, that meant the whole class heard the news and celebrated with me, which I’ll never forget.
Are you doing anything differently in preparation for this competition?
My coach is trying to make my preparation as similar as possible to the previous season. Although straight after my last competition at the Australian Opens, I did an intense strength block for 2 weeks which comprised of completing the majority of my sessions in a weight vest. In short, I’ve never appreciated easy technical sessions so much!
What are you most looking forward to about the trip to Eugene (USA)?
It’s my first plane trip overseas, so not experiencing the full wrath of jet lag would be my goal. But I’m most looking forward to soaking up the competition atmosphere in America, the full stadium will be completely different to the crowd I usually have.
Who has been your biggest inspiration in this sport?
Growing up, I would follow Blanka Vlasic in her international competitions. Yet the athletes I’ve grown up with that have persevered to make it to an elite level despite injury or previously missing out on Australian teams inspire me the most.
What advice would you give to someone who is looking to become a professional Athlete?
Learn to make sacrifices to perform better. Be prepared to have sport take up the majority of your time whilst attempting to fit school, family, work, friends and anything else in your day. You’ll learn to excel in time management before you excel in athletics.